How To Add Data Disk In Azure Virtual Machine

Login into Azure Portal Azure Portal
Once logged in, select virtual machine to add new data disk. In my case I have selected Virtual Machine named “StoragePool”.

After selecting virtual machine, you will able to see “Overview”.

We have to click on “Disk” tab as show in below screenshot. You will see currently we don’t have any disk associated with selected virtual machine. To add new data disk, we have to click on “+ Add data disk”

Default it will start with LUN 0. From drop down, we have to select “Create Disk”, as show below.

You will redirect to disk create wizard and below page will appear.

Fill in all mandatory information. Once all the information is populated you can click on “Create” button below.
Note: You can use your existing “Resource Group” or you can create new one. In my case, I am using my existing resource group “myIT”. For demonstration, I have given 100 GB, you can give as per you requirement.

Post completion of disk creation wizard, you will see new data disk got created with given name. Below is the reference screenshot.

By using above given method, I have created remaining PhysicalDisk2, PhysicalDisk3 and PhysicalDisk4.

Hope this article is helpful!!!
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